Several real estate in Poland have still unregulated legal status. It may be a result of possesion of real estate for 20 years (owner-like possesion) or 30 years (bad faith possesion) by a person who is not the real estate owner and lead to the adverse possesion (usacaption).
Every land and mortgage register has 4 sections and quite often some of the entries are inconsistent what influences badly on real estate value.
No matter when you obtained ownership of the real estate (yesterday, 30 years ago or by inheritance) our attorneys at law will assist you on every level of your case.
Attorney-at-law Marek Foryś has over 16 years of experience in recovery of exprioprated and nationalized real estate in Poland. He represents former owners and their succesors in administrative proceedings, before courts (including Supreme Court) and administrative courts (including Supreme Administratrive Court).
Depending on current legal status of expriopriated or nacionalised real estate you may recover it in kind (when it is owned by the State or local government unit) oraz obtain a compensation if the real estate was expriopriated or nacionalised with breach of law.
In most cases to start legal proceeding for compenastion you ought to get administrative prejudykat at first. Next you within limitation period of 3 years from the date of the final decision.
Recovering in kind may be initiated in administrative proceeding (mainly concerns expriopriated real estate). But the time left is not long as on the grounds of amendments in real estate managment act, former owners or their successors are entitled to initiate such proceding only by the 14th May 2020 if expriopration was 20 or more years ago (go more information). – odwołanie do artykułu w wersji pol/en. In other words from the 15th May 2020 the limitation period is 20 years from the date of final expriopriation decision.
Sometimes, for example on the grounds of the agriculture reform to recover in kind, it is necesarry to start civil proceeding of reconciliation of the content of the land and mortage register with the actual legal status.
What is interesting is that some administrative compensation proceedings have not been finished with the final decision. It means that every such proceeding is still pending and should be concluded with the final decision based on current law what guarantees compensation adequate to current market value of real estate.
Real estate with no master plan can be furnished under decision on building conditions. To obtain such decision you have to fulfill 5 conditions of the article of the spatial planning act of the 23rd march 2003. These conditions are recognitiable and that is why it is so important to know what you are really entitled to and what is the case law of the administrative courts.
We also assist our clients in proceedings on master plans to guarantee the best development possibilites of your real estate.
If your real estate is planned for public purposes we will assist you in negotiations with the state treasury or local goverment unit.
Your real estate may also lose it’s value after passing or amending master plan. Then you are entitled to compensation or convertible real estate. Limitation period is 6 years from the day of passing or amending master plan. You are also entitled to compenastion or convertible real estate after purchasing real estate which lost it’s value under conditions of the master plan.
Some cases just cannot be solved by reaching a settlement. In all these situations we assist you before courts and Supreme Court to fullfil the requirements of the court proceeding. Remember that ignorantia iuris neminen excusat and every single proceeding error may lead to lost.
Very popular among foreigners in Poland and Polish who live abroad (mainly in The United States and Australia) is negotiating real estate prices with our assist. With the knowledge of the legal matters we can advise you to purchase or not to purchase, to obtain or not to obtain.
With our assist you can save plenty of money. You can also save plenty of time, becouse we can act on behalf of you with the power of attorney
For your safety and proper perfomence of the contract we draft tenancy and lease agreements for certain puproses. We also draft bilingual polish-english contracts.
We support investors on every stage of the investment process. From early stage of due dilligance, real estate purchase, through decision on buliding conditions and building permit by the end of investition with use permit. We assist you on the proceeding on master plan plan and all the necessary decisions and permissions.
Most estates contain real estate. When necessary we search for the heir. We also represent you before court to obtain declaration of succession or before notary to obtain notarial certification of succession. We assist you also in the proceeding for the estate partition and when you are entitled to legitim or you are a debtor of legitim.
In Poland we used to say you can be certain of only two things in a life. These are death and taxes. Taxes influence on our decisions whenever you make a decision on real estate.
With right tax decision you are able to save a lot of money so we can lead you through such decisions.
As attorney-at-law Marek Foryś is a member of management board of the housing, he can serve you with his personal and practical experience in full scope.
We cooperate with real estate agents in everyday practise when our clients are interested in real estate purchasing. But not only becouse we support real estate agents practises to guarantee proper activity of their businees and to make sure it is legal in every aspect.
We cooperate with real estate agents in everyday practise when our clients are interested in real estate purchasing. But not only becouse we support real estate agents practises to guarantee proper activity of their businees and to make sure it is legal in every aspect.
We cooperate with real estate valuers whenever opinion on real estate value is needed. Attorney-at-law Marek Foryś graduated from post graduate studies of real estate valuation on Technical University in Szczecin.
We support also property managers and their clients in everyday practice.
To secure return payment your debtor or third person may issue mortgage on it’s real estate. Mortgage secures your monetary claims no matter who is the current owner of the real estate.
Special law acts entitle state treasury and self government units to acquire real estate for public purposes such as roads, railways or airports in simplified procedure. In all these proceedings we assist you to ensure the proper amount of the compenastion.
In some cases real estate owners or their successors are unknown. Whenever it is necessary to seek for them we can do it on behalf of you in person or with the assist of the detective.
Gdynia, ul. Słupecka 9/1
Tel. +48 570 392 258
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